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Perimeter and Area of a square

Square image

Perimeter =

Area =

Perimeter and Area of a triangle

Triangle image

Perimeter =

Area =

Looking for triangles height?

Height of a scalene triangle

Scalene triangle image

Height 1 =

Height 2 =

Height 3 =

Height of a isosceles triangle

Isosceles triangle image

Height =

Perimeter and Area of a circle

Circle image

Perimeter =

Area =


Insert your data

Clues for coupons

Instructions: The following questions can be answered with a single word. Write your answer in lowercase. If your answer is correct, the question will turn purple, and you will receive your discount. Otherwise, your answer will be rejected.

  1. Which programming language is widely used for web application development?
  2. What is the process of identifying and fixing software errors?
  3. What is the process of converting source code into an executable program?
  4. What process verifies the functionality of software before its release?
  5. What data structure does an algorithm use to organize elements in a hierarchical manner?
  6. What is the process of converting a visual design into functional code?
  7. What is the process of adapting existing software to a different environment or platform?
  8. What is a set of predefined instructions used to perform a specific task in a program?
  9. What is the process of breaking down a large software project into smaller, manageable components?
  10. What is a technique used to identify and remove redundant or unnecessary code in a software program?

Basic Statistics

How to insert my data

Enter values separated by commas and one space, no words, decimal values are valid.





What is mode?

The mode is the value that appears the most number of times in a data set.

What is mean?

The mean is adding up all the data points and dividing the sum by the number of data points (or total number of numbers). It is also known as 'arithmetic mean'.

What is median?

The median is the middle value (or midpoint) after all the data points have been arranged in value order as a list of numbers.

What is range?

The range is the difference between the largest value and the smallest value.

Salary Analysis

The information presented below corresponds to the salary delivery of different companies to diverse employees. You can view the salaries by company or employee, and likewise, you can calculate median values and make salary projections by company and employee.



Median salary per year

Median salary projection